2023 SOMA - Special Operations My Ass
CarpeDiemMusic Vienna, Austria - performed by Europa Quartett
2019 Topos
Synchron Stage Vienna, Austria - performed by Europa Quartett
1. 27°06'44.5''S 109°20'58.5''E - Easter Islands
2. 20°16'02.6''S 30°56'01.7''E - Zimbabwe
3. 50°05'11.8''N 14°24'00.9''E - Prague
4. 25°20'36.0''S 131°02'12.5''E - Ayers Rock
2019 Chronos
Synchron Stage Vienna, Austria - performed by Europa Quartett
1. Halley
2. Black Hole
3. WorldWideWait
4. 3 Kelvin
5. Megastore
2019 Dimensions
Synchron Stage Vienna, Austria - performed by Europa Quartett
1. Dark Matter
2. String Theory
3. Quantum Fields
4. The 5th Dimension
2019 Galaxies
Synchron Stage Vienna, Austria - performed by Europa Quartett
1. Bode´s Galaxy
2. Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
3. The Whirlpool Galaxy
4. The Milky Way
1998 Logos
Studio Double You Vienna, Austria - performed by Goldberg Quartett
1993 Wie Priamos’ Tochter, for acoustic bassguitar and orchestra
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