On Sunday 25.08.2024 the String Trio Antrag abgelehnt was performed by Salomon Trio at Chtistkönigskirche, Krumpendorf, Austria. The concert was recorded by Schindloffsky and can be heard under WORKS.
On Friday 7.10.2022 five String Quartets - Topos, Logos, Dimensions, Galaxy and SOMA (Special Operations My Ass) as well as Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort for Viola solo - were performed by Europa Quartet at Roter Salon, Vienna, Austria. The concert was filmed by Elfi Oberhuber and can be watched under LIVE VIDEOS.
Topos, Chronos, Dimensions and Galaxies were recorded 19.12.2019 at Synchron Stage Studio B Vienna, performed by Europa Quartett, engineered by Martin Weismayer, produced by Marnix Veenenbos and mixed by Schindloffsky at Carpe Diem Records.
Cover by Carpe Diem Graphics, Photos by Sabine Tucmandl, CD manufactured by kdg.
Europa Quartett: Fritz Kircher, violin & viola - Maximilian Bratt, violin - Gerswind Olthoff, viola - Konstantin Zelenin, violoncello
In 2019 Schindloffsky finished his 5th string quartet Galaxies. 2018 Schindloffsky composed his 4th string quartet Dimensions.
On 25th of August 2017 Chronos (3rd string quartet of 13 doors) was performed by Ensemble Scaramouche:
Werner Neugebauer - Violine, Fritz Kircher - Violine, Firmian Lermer - Viola, Detlev Mielke - Violoncello
at Tonhof Maria Saal, Austria.
In 2002 Schindloffsky worked on a piece for violoncello solo, commissioned by Arne Kircher.
The composition was sponsored by SKE, Austro Mechana.
Go to the video section to check out videos of 13 doors and Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort for violoncello solo.
In May 2001 he composed Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort, for viola solo, commissioned by Gerswind Olthoff.
The piece was performed by Gerswind Olthoff on the 5th of July 2001 in Olargue, France and on the 22nd of August in Gurk, Austria.
In 2001 Logos (1st string quartet of 13 doors) was performed by Goldberg Quartett Wien at MAK, Vienna, Austria.
In August 2000 Topos (second string quartet of 13 doors) was performed by Goldberg Quartett Wien at church Lieding, Austria.
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