Press clippings concerning the performance of Logos at theMuseum of applied Arts (MAK) in Vienna,
which was part of an installation and cd-recording by Thilges3.
th306 | 3"CD
"Mak" is sourced from an installation that took place in Vienna earlier this year. The piece was designed for two rooms;
in one was the Austrian Military Orchestra and The Goldberg Quartet performing composer Schindloffsky's "Logos".
As the musicians played, Thilges 3 reworked and remixed them, sending the resulting mix through their
quadrophonic PA to the second room. …The second captures the string quartet, adding slight delay and flange effects.
Here the enhancement brings out wonderful overtones, creating a much more dense yet ethereal performance.
…From a purely auditory standpoint, this is quite an impressive release and it's
quite interesting to note that one of the most forward thinking pieces of music.
Olli Siebelt
… In the second piece, in which Thilges 3 occupy a less intrusive space, the string quartet is heard performing
a beautiful piece by Schindloffsky titled "Logos", a piece of melancholy and thoughtfulness.
… and listening to this now I wish I could have experienced this performance live. Fantastic work.
[Richard di Santo]
LINCURSION (CA)www.incursion.org
Sous un malstrom sonore incandescent, un déluge électronique futuriste et vindicatif, les membres de Thilges 3 ont
convié l'orchestre militaire autrichien à contraster ce trop-plein d'électronique en jouant une pièce d'Schindloffsky,
"Logos", oeuvre néo-classique proche de Gorecky (l'attaque par nappes successives) ou des Rachel's.
Un instant de raffinement enclavé, qui évoque des images de détresse folle et de poésie suspendue entre deux tirs
d'artillerie. …Un aspect complémentaire du travail de ces Autrichiens, décidément foutrement talentueux et surprenants.
LJADE (F)www.pastis.org/jade/jade.html