Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort
for violoncello solo performed by Arne Kircher at Museumsquartier Vienna
2. Ein gewagter Schritt
5. …nach dem G-Punkt
Shot with a digital camera, sound quality is 8bit / 8kHz (ouch) - you have been warned.
1. Janus intrat
Janus intrat filmed live at MAK, Vienna in January 2001. Video cut and produced by
Aircam - Digital Video Film.
1. Halley
2. Black hole
3. WorldWideWait
4. 3 Kelvin
5. Megastore
String Quartet Chronos filmed live at Tonhof Maria Saal, in August 2017. Video filmed, cut and produced by Aircam - Digital Video Film.
String Quartet Logos was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
1. 27°06’44.5”S 109°20’58.5”W - Easter Islands
2. 20°16’02.6”S 30°56’01.7”E - Zimbabwe
3. 50°05’11.8”N 14°24’00.9”E - Prague
4. 25°20’36.0”S 131°02’12.5”E - Uluru
String Quartet Topos was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
1. Dark Matter
2. String Theory
3. Quantum Fields
4. The 5th Dimension
String Quartet Dimensions was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
1. Bode’s Galaxy
2. Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
3. The Whirlpool Galaxy
4. The Milky Way
String Quartet Galaxies was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
SOMA - Special Operations My Ass
1. Київ
2. Маріуполь
3. Донецьк
4. Одеса
String Quartet SOMA - Special Operations My Ass - was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort
1. Auf der Suche nach…
2. Ein gewagter Schritt
3. Der numerologische Faktor
4. Der Erleuchtung nahe
5. Nach dem GPunkt
Piece for Viola solo „Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort“ was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Gerswind Olthoff on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort for violoncello for cell phone
2. Ein gewagter Schritt
5. …nach dem G-Punkt
Chronos for cell phone
1. Halley
2. Black hole
3. WorldWideWait
4. 3 Kelvin
5. Megastore
Logos for cell phone
String Quartet Logos was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
1. 27°06’44.5”S 109°20’58.5”W - Easter Islands
2. 20°16’02.6”S 30°56’01.7”E - Zimbabwe
3. 50°05’11.8”N 14°24’00.9”E - Prague
4. 25°20’36.0”S 131°02’12.5”E - Uluru
String Quartet Topos was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
Dimensions for cell phone
1. Dark Matter
2. String Theory
3. Quantum Fields
4. The 5th Dimension
String Quartet Dimensions was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
Galaxies for cell phone
1. Bode’s Galaxy
2. Sleeping Beauty Galaxy
3. The Whirlpool Galaxy
4. The Milky Way
String Quartet Galaxies was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
SOMA - Special Operations My Ass - for cell phone
1. Київ
2. Маріуполь
3. Донецьк
4. Одеса
String Quartet SOMA - Special Operations My Ass - was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Europa Quartett on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.
Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort - for cell phone
1. Auf der Suche nach…
2. Ein gewagter Schritt
3. Der numerologische Faktor
4. Der Erleuchtung nahe
5. Nach dem GPunkt
Piece for Viola solo „Schwere Frage - leichte Antwort“ was performed at Roter Salon, Vienna by Gerswind Olthoff on Friday 7.10.2022, filmed by Elfi Oberhuber.